SGI Enlighten DSM 3.1
SGI EnlightenDSM 3.1.iso
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In order to make a backup, the characteristics of the backup device must
be known to the backup software. Enlighten/Archive allows the system
administrator to create logical backup devices which include all the
technical parameters required. The technical parameters for the device
are entered only once, and when a backup/restore is made, the
administrator must only select the logical name chosen for that device.
This window allows the administrator to create a new backup device.
The Raw Device name is the name of the UNIX device to which the backup
device is attached. This may be often a tape device. For the exact names
of the available devices on the system please check your hardware
reference manual. The following table however, may help in determine the
tape device names which may be on your system.
| SYSTEM | Look for | Good default bet |
| Sun OS 4.1.x | /dev/rst* | /dev/rst0 |
| Solaris 2.x | /dev/rmt/* | /dev/rmt/0h |
| HP-UX | /dev/rmt/* | /dev/rmt/c201d2h |
| IBM AIX | /dev/rmt* | /dev/rmt0 |
| SCO | /dev/*Stp* | /dev/rStp0 |
The Device Type is only used to calculate the size of the backup device.
If you know the capacity of the backup media, or if you do not want to
use any of the given types, select a Custom type and enter the backup
capacity yourself.
There are two differences in the Modify window:
+ the Logical Device Name field is view-only.
+ you can use the Modify button (rather than the Add button) after
you've made all your changes and
+ you can use the Next button to modify additional backup schedules
if you've selected more than one backup to modify from the Add
Device Configuration list.
The rest of this section describes the fields and their parameters
within these windows.
Logical Device Name
This field represents the common name a user will specify when
accessing this backup device. This field is required.
Raw Device
This field contains the actual UNIX device name, such as /dev/rmt0.
You can click on the select button to choose from a list of possible
tape device names. You can also prefix the device name with its host
name, followed by a colon (:), to define remote backup devices on
hosts running the enld daemon.
If, for example, you have a device /dev/rmt/0h on host athens, the
name of the device would be:
This field is required.
This can be a friendly name for the device or a description of the
device. This field is required.
Block Size
Each type of device has a blocking factor associated with it. The
blocking factor is the size of each data block written to the
device. The most common blocking factor is 20 blocks; however, you
can backup data using a blocking factor of up to 2000 blocks. This
field is required.
Note: Block size is O/S dependent. On Solaris 2.4, the block size is
1024 bytes (1K).
Device Type
The Device Type specifies the device's capacity. This field is
required. The following options are available:
+ Cartridge Tape
+ Reel
+ Custom
+ Raw
+ 8 MM
Cartridge - When you click on this button, tape length and density
descriptions are displayed. For length, click the left mouse button
and then drag the cursor to the appropriate value: 300, 450, or 600
feet. For density, click on QIC 24 (low) or QIC 120 (high).
Reel - When you click on this button, tape length and density line
descriptions are displayed. For length, click the left mouse button
and then drag the cursor to the appropriate value: 600, 1200, or
2400 feet. For density, click on 1600 (low) or 6250 (high).
Custom - You can click on the Custom button to define your own device.
You will be prompted to enter the capacity for the new device in KB.
If you don't know the capacity or you do not wish to limit the
device size, enter 500.
Raw - You can click on the Raw button to quickly add an entry to the
device list. Use this option to add a device with no capacity or a
new piece of media. Eventually, you should re-define this storage
8 MM - Click on the 8 MM button to define an 8mm cartridge tape
device. You will be prompted to select the capacity of the tape. The
options are 2GB (default) and 5GB. If neither of these options
apply, create a Custom backup device, instead, and manually set the
device's capacity. Or you can create a Raw device and define the
device capacity later.